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What Cut of Beef for Hot Pt

A savory broth filled with meat, seafood, and vegetables, hot pot is a favorite among social gatherings throughout Asia. Although at that place are countless hot pot styles in Asia, this guide will be focused on Chinese hot pot.

China has a seemingly endless corporeality of regional hot pot variations. In northern China, lamb is the meat of pick, cooked quickly in a subtly flavored broth. In southern China, hot pots packed with fish and shellfish are a mutual sight on dining tables. Sichuan hot pot, maybe the near popular version, features fiery goop filled with mouth-numbing Sichuan peppercorns, dried chilies, and spicy red oil. There'south even dry pot, which incorporates hot pot ingredients and spices into a fragrant stir fry.

Hot Pot Equipment


Similar Korean barbecue, Chinese hot pot is also cooked tableside by each diner. The most common device is the portable butane burner. These burners are affordable and offer practiced control of the flame, making humid or simmering a foolproof endeavor. Keep in heed that these burners don't come with butane. Canisters must be purchased separately.

Although whatever pot can be used, it's important to remember that hot pot is meant to be eaten table side in a social setting. The tiptop and width of the pot (at to the lowest degree twelve inches across to feed virtually four to vi people) should be suitable for individuals to both place and cook their ain ingredients. You lot tin purchase pots peculiarly designed for hot pot — these pots will characteristic a divider in the middle to allow ii divide broths (a common combination is a spicy and not-spicy broth).

Some other useful tool are small strainer ladles. Some ingredients take longer to cook while others can autumn autonomously easily during simmering. The use of a strainer allows the diner to both properly cook and find the ingredients when done.


For a simple broth, boil plain water with a combination of raw garlic, scallions, and ginger. Japanese kombu kelp is also great, lending a subtle umami flavor to the soup.

For more spice, add a combination of fragrant chili oil, spices, and aromatics. The most convenient way to achieve this is to purchase a fix-made hot pot soup mix at your local Chinese market. Lee Kum Kee, a Hong Kong based company, has a variety of gear up-made goop mixes available ranging from seafood flavor to spicy Sichuan. Another popular make is Trivial Sheep Mongolian Hot Pot, which does a fantastic spicy Sichuan version filled with numbing peppercorns and dried chilies.


For the all-time hot pot experience, it's important to have a good residue of different ingredients. The joy of hot pot is interlacing between bites of meat, vegetables, and seafood. Thinly sliced meat cooks fast while ingredients like potatoes or meatballs are more time-consuming. Noodles should be added at the end of the meal to accept advantage of the full flavor of the broth.


Hideya Hamano/Flickr

The most widely used meats for Chinese hot pot are beef, lamb, and pork. Any local Chinese market volition take thinly sliced meat available in the meat aisle. If you want to piece your own, freeze the meat (ideally half-frozen) before slicing. This technique enables thinner slicing.

Meat is cooked either by "swishing" your slice with chopsticks in the hot broth or past placing information technology in a small strainer ladle. This technique allows better command over the desired doneness of the meat. You tin also add larger quantities of meat into the pot at once, although this method isn't recommended if using more expensive cuts as it can overcook quickly.

Fat and marbling is cardinal for hot pot meat. For beefiness, use ribeye, brisket, or beef abdomen for that residual of lean and fatty. Bacteria cuts similar sirloin or eye of circular can also work, although the diners should take extra care not to overcook them. For pork, employ thinly sliced pork belly, shoulder, or loin. Finally, lamb, the meat that separates Chinese hot pot from most Japanese and Southeast Asian versions, is widely eaten in both Sichuan and northern Chinese hot pots and fantabulous cooked in a spicy goop. For the all-time lamb cuts, use either the leg or shoulder.

Animate being offal cuts similar liver or kidneys are also popular options in Chinese hot pots. These can be purchased by more adventurous eaters at any Asian market. Be certain to slice them thin to ensure the best texture.



Fish is a great improver to hot pot but information technology'due south of import to choose a species with firmer flesh. Flounder, although delicious, is likewise delicate for hot pot. Instead, firmer fish like salmon, cod, or halibut are amend choices.

Any shellfish, ranging from shrimp or crab to clams will be excellent for hot pot. Chinese hot pot is all well-nigh the combination of flavors so it's perfectly fine to mix seemingly separate ingredients similar shrimp and lamb. If you're looking for a more archetype season combination, use pork with shellfish.

A distinct element of Chinese hot pot is fish and shellfish assurance. These are made from pounded fish or shellfish molded into balls with a distinct boisterous texture. Some variations are even filled with corn or pork. These seafood balls are bachelor ready-fabricated at whatever Chinese grocery.


The diverseness of vegetables used for hot pot is countless. Leafy greens like napa cabbage or chrysanthemum greens are archetype additions. Potatoes, taro, lotus roots, and corn are delicious when simmered in goop.

At that place'south a strategy for hot pot vegetables and it comes downwards to cooking time and flavor. Root vegetables and corn take longer to melt, so these should be placed into the pot first. Greens are best eaten afterwards in the meal, after some of the meat and seafood. The quick-cooking greens will benefit from the umami of a well-simmered broth.

Tofu and Noodles

Tianjia Liu/flickr

Soy products are a huge office of the Chinese nutrition then it should be no surprise that hot pot is a delicious vehicle for these ingredients. Exist sure to employ house tofu as the texture will stand during cooking. A trick for tofu is to freeze it beforehand. Frozen tofu has a completely different texture (similar a sponge) that soaks upward the broth when cooked. Just be careful to fully defrost the tofu earlier cooking. Fried tofu puffs, tofu wedges, and pleasantly chewy tofu skin are also neat hot pot additions.

Noodles should be added at the terminate of a hot pot meal. This allows the noodles to soak up the finished flavor of the soup. If available, use any Chinese variety of white noodles. Japanese udon noodles are a great substitute.


One of the best and most fun elements of hot pot is the sauce. The all-time way to construct your own sauce is to obtain a various corporeality of ingredients. Soy sauce, sesame oil, chopped raw garlic, hot sauce, chili pastes, rice vinegar, and fresh herbs like cilantro and scallions are all fantastic.

A Chinese favorite is the combination of thick sesame paste and a Chinese charcoal-broil sauce chosen sa cha jiang. Dissimilar American barbecue sauce, sa cha jiang is non sweet. Instead, it'south a chunky and spicy sauce that blends seamlessly with sesame paste. Combine the two sauces with a nuance of soy, cilantro, and garlic for an all-purpose dipping sauce.

How to Set the Table and Etiquette

Considering hot pot is designed to be cooked tableside by private diners, the table setup is very important. The pot should exist placed in the centre of the table or at a location where all diners can have reasonable access. Plates of ingredients should be evenly divided and then all diners tin can help themselves according to their ain preferences.

Etiquette is also important. Use a strainer to detect ingredients in the pot instead of fishing for information technology with your personal chopsticks. Information technology tin as well be helpful to have separate utensils for handling the raw ingredients (meat specially). Finally, try not to snag someone else's ingredient in the pot.

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