The decision to resign from a job involves emotions and sometime hard feelings but it can also provide a hope for better future prospect and continued success in your career development.
Though being positive about your decision is important, One should be absolutely sure that this is the right time to walk away from the current job before considering a  resignation.
Refer to:

  • Why Changing Jobs: Reasons for a Job Change.
  • How to Resign From a Job & Reasons for Job Resignation.

These articles may provide you with answers as to why you should take this decision in the first place and if you addressed all important factors before deciding?
Factors such as:

  • Have you completed all alternative for advancement within your current company?
  • If you haven't found a new job yet, have you checked the current job market options and opportunities?
  • If you already have a job offer in hands, have you considered all the offered options in the next job, options such as: salary, career development and job responsibilities? Though it is challenging to forecast what a new job may bring with its counter job offer, you must address these points.

However, if you made up your mind and you know what you are doing, the next step is to prepare the resignation letter.

Writing a Resignation Letter – Template to Use

Basically, the resignation letter (also called the two weeks notice letter, or other time period) may contain 5 short paragraphs:

  1. Your resignation announcement.
  2. The effective date of your resignation – the time period.
  3. Positive statements of the good experience working for your current company.
  4. Stating willingness of smooth transfer of your responsibilities and current projects.
  5. Thank again.

Three Resignation Letter Samples

The letter should be brief and you don't have to explain the reasons that led you to your decision. Please edit the following letters and personalize according to your needs:

1st sample of resignation letter:

I regret to inform you of my decision to resign from my current position of [your position] at [the company].
The main purpose of this letter is to provide the two weeks notice as required from my employment contract, effective two weeks from this date.

The choice to resign wasn't an easy decision to make, as these past [x] years in the company have been so exciting and interesting for me.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support assisting me to develop my professional skills in the industry. I am grateful for the enjoyable time we spent together and appreciate the valuable lessons you have provided me.

I'd be happy to transfer my responsibilities and outstanding projects to the proper designated individual.
Wishing you and [the company] continued success and prosperity.
[Your name]

2nd Sample, Letter of Resignation:

The purpose of this letter is to announce my resignation from [Company Name], effective two weeks from this date.
I regret I have to inform you this decision as it was not an easy choice to make.
Because I enjoyed the professional challenges you have provided me, making a decision was challenging. After careful thought, however, I have decided to quit.

Thank you for the great opportunities you've offered me during my time here. I've been fortunate to work for such a motivated team and appreciate that.
As required, I am taking the responsibility to transfer my current projects to the proper designated individual.
I wish you and the company success and prosperity.
[Your name]

3rd Example of Resignation Letter:

I regret to announce my resignation from my position with ABC Company.
Please accept this formal notification as the standard two weeks notice, and therefore my last day of employment will be on [the day, date].

This was not an easy decision to make because I have enjoyed working for [the company] and will always remember the great time we had in our team.
Please accept my appreciation for the professional development and the challenging experience you gave me during the past [x] years.
During this transition period, I would be glad to assist in delivering on my commitments until the end of my current assignments.
I wish [the organization] every good fortune and prosperity.
Thank you again for having me as a part of this great company.
[Your name]

Other samples of resignation letters can be found at:

  • Two Weeks Notice Letter – Examples and Tips.

Located at the articles' series: Job Resignation: How to Resign & Leave A Job.